League of Legends r.

PBE 10.10 – 1 maja – TFT: zmiany Ziggsa, Kayle i Vel’Koza

Na PBE trafiły biografie skórek Pulsefire Fiora i Ekko oraz zmiany bohaterów w TFT.

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Skórki Pulsefire – biografie

Pulsefire Fiora

Fiora joined the Chrono-Enforcers at a young age under the tutelage of her father. When a conflict with a temporal fugitive left him disgraced, her future was thrown into doubt, but Fiora endured. Now, despite having reclaimed her family’s reputation, and forged herself into an utter paragon of the Chrono-Enforcers, recent revelations have cast her into doubt once more, but this time about the Remembrancer’s true purpose…

Pulsefire Ekko

A time fugitive who built his Pulsefire suit from scratch, Ekko improved on the Remembrancers’ technology, crafting a modified Chronobreak device that allows him to make short temporal jumps, create time breaks within a singular timeline, and to collapse them all into a single, anomaly-free singularity.

Teamfight Tactics



  • Obrażenia umiejętności zmniejszone z 125/200/750 do 125/200/600.


  • Obrażenia umiejętności zwiększone z 425/550/2000 do 450/600/2000.


  • Mana zmniejszona z 45 do 20.
  • Obrażenia umiejętności zmniejszone z 300/400/700 do 70/120/200.