League of Legends r.

Nowe skórki w patchu 11.2: Ruined Draven, Karma, Shyvana; Shan Hai Scrolls Cho’Gath, Jhin, Nautilus, Neeko (aktualizacja: dodano część splash artów!)

Czas poznać nowe skórki!

Data publikacji: 5 stycznia 2021 r.
Aktualizacja: 7 stycznia 2021 r. (dodano splash arty części skórek: Neeko, Nautilusa i Cho’Gatha)
Aktualizacja: 8 stycznia 2021 r. (dodano splash art skórki do Jhina)

Patch 11.2 – kiedy?

Patch 11.2 jest planowany na czwartek, 21 stycznia 2021 r.

Nowe skórki w patchu 11.2

  • Ruined Draven
  • Ruined Karma
  • Ruined Shyvana
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Cho’Gath
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Nautilus
  • Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko

Co ciekawe, skórki są zgodne z przeciekiem z końca grudnia: [Przeciek] Nowe skiny i linie skórek. Zyra, Jhin, Viego (Zniszczony Król?). Czyżbyśmy wkrótce mieli zobaczyć Viego?

Ruined Draven

1350 RP

A showman no matter the circumstance, Draven challenged Viego to a duel that the Glorious Executioner immediately lost, resulting in his ruination. Unlike his ruined brethren, little has changed about Draven save for a white shock hair on his head and a slightly more vicious personality than usual.


Ruined Karma

1350 RP

Surviving the initial ruination of Ionia, Karma is ultimately lost during a second one led by Viego himself. With the Spirit of Ionia itself removed from the continent, the Ionian people must band together to save one another, even as Karma twists the souls of millions to a new, horrific purpose.


Ruined Shyvana

1350 RP

Shyvana’s ruination brings a newfound darkness, as well as clarity. Turning swiftly against Demacia for its persecution of magic, and sinking into her more draconic emotions, she appears as an avenging beast of old, ready to topple Demacia for its ignorance.


Shan Hai Scrolls Cho’Gath

A mythical, titanic beast painted within the mysterious Shan Hai Scrolls, whose gluttony resulted in eternal karmic punishment, Cho’gath has seized upon the Scrolls’ connection to the multiverse and plans to devour both his own world and then all others.


Shan Hai Scrolls Jhin

A mad god who resides within a mysterious painting older than creation, Jhin has grown bored of the canvas in which he dwells and wishes to bring his art to new, fresh eyes. He has begun weaving the edges of the painting into the fabric of the multiverse, hoping to escape his confinement.



Shan Hai Scrolls Nautilus

A guardian who helped seal the mad god Jhin within a holy waterfall, as depicted within the mysterious painting known as the Shan Hai Scrolls. Over the millenia, Jhin has whispered of power, freedom, and true godhood to Nautilus, until he finally released him. Now twisted with anger, Nautilus’s rivers run not with water, but molten magma.


Shan Hai Scrolls Neeko


Lunar Beast Viego

1350 RP
