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Kiedy będą dostępne skórki Spirit Blossom?

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Kiedy będą dostępne
skórki Spirit Blossom?

Skórki Spirit Blossom będą dostępne 6 sierpnia 2020 r.

Przypominamy: skórki mogą zostać udostępnione dopiero wieczorem (ok. godz. 21-22).

Skórki Spirit Blossom

Udostępnione zostaną skórki dla następujących postaci:

  • Ahri,
  • Cassiopei,
  • Kindred,
  • Riven,
  • Yone.

Spirit Blossom Ahri

1820 RP (legendarna)

The famed Spirit of Salvation, and the fox all mortals are beckoned towards when their souls arrive to the spirit realm. A capricious, whimsical spirit who sees the fate of the living as a game of chase, she offers the chance for souls to find their final rest… but will not intervene if they stray from the path.

Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia

1350 RP

Rumored to have once been a beautiful princess, legend says Cassiopeia vanished into the mountains when her sister staged a coup, never to return. So great was her beauty, and so renowned her cunning, that a shrine was built to honor this ‘spirit of temptation’, until her story was accepted into popular folklore.

Spirit Blossom Kindred

1350 RP

In the Ionian tradition, the Kindred are interpreted as a child and her beastly companion, endlessly playing games with one another until they are called to perform their duties. The two do not know where they came from, but it is said they feel a sense of loss for someone they knew long ago…

Spirit Blossom Riven

1350 RP

A brave warrior from an ancient land, Riven was ignobly cut down in the heat of battle thousands of years ago, her sword shattering in the process. Unable to find peace, she obsessively scours an otherworldly battlefield for pieces of her broken blade, possessed by a horrific darkness that guides her into oblivion.

Spirit Blossom Yone

1350 RP